Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Study Objective

Sehubungan dengan banyaknya pertanyaan dari teman-teman mengenai study objective. maka berikut ini saya mencoba membagi apa yang saya ketahui mengenai "benda" tersebut.
1. Study Objective (setahu saya) adalah sangat krusial bagi teman-teman yang ingin melamar program beasiswa, maupun ke kampus yang ingin di tuju di luar negeri. jadi memang harus dipersiapkan oleh mereka yang betul-betul berminat.
2. isinya ceritanya bebas, tapi mestinya berbeda beda, tergantung dari jenis beasiswa dan program studi yang ingin kita ambil. jadi kalau mau daftar ke banyak tempat, ya jangan cuma pakai satu SO saja.
3. Baca baik-baik petunjuk dari penyedia program. Perhatikan betul-betul batasan yang diminta oleh pihak pengelola program yang ingin kita tuju. Untuk beasiswa fulbright misalnya, biasanya batasan diberikan dalam bentuk jumlah halaman, atau jumlah baris, jadi bebas jumlah katanya. Sementara stuned, mensyaratkan batasan dalam jumlah kata, jadi kata-kata pendek seperti a, is, atau it itu dihitung satu kata, tidak perduli berapa baris yang kita buat.
4. Cobalah untuk meunjukkan kenapa mereka harus memilih kita, dan bahwa dunia akan kiamat jika mereka tidak melakukannya (kalo bisa seperti ini, peluang berhasil sudah 90 persen ;-P). kalo memang kita bukan orang yang penting bagi dunia, ya paling tidak tunjukkin kenapa kita penting bagi kantor, lingkungan, keluarga dst
5. ada beberapa contoh yang bisa ditiru (isi study objective ini sebenernya cuma meniru dan memodifikasi kok). salah satu yang cukup bagus dan saya jadikan jadi referensi adalah di http://panjifh.wordpress.com/2012/02/04/my-study-objectives/
6. selama umur memungkinkan, jangan menyerah untuk mengirim terus menerus sampai si pemberi beasiswa bosan, dan jangan malu bertanya sama mbah google (termasuk minta diterjemahkan).   
 7. terakhir, ini adalah salah satu study objective yang pernah saya buat, dan sementara ini proven to be accepted (yang tidak berhasil sih masih ada lebih banyak lagi). masih ada lagi bentuk persyaratan lagi semacam: personal statement (kapan-kapan saya sertakan kalo sudah berhasil)

semoga bermanfaat

Study Objective of XXX for XXX Scholarship
Working as xxx at xxx, I often found that some the data released by our institutions has becoming polemic in the community. Many newspapers I read were issued opinion about their doubt of xxx latest data. Poverty and unemployment data for example, is being questioned by some expert because they think that it was under estimate from the actual situation. It doesn’t make any sense they said, comparing to most of the news on mass media that reported about increasing poverty people in Indonesia. It was worried situation because it would make the xxx credibility, as the official government statistical provider, at stake.
The fact is Indonesian law has been set that governments must use data from xxx when making their policies. Quality statistical data become very important because it could determine the direction of development. Failure in producing correct data will lead government to made wrong decision that could affect so many people. Therefore, people trust about statistical data that produced by xxx must be restored. There must be sustainable efforts to improve the xxx data quality. One of the concerned circumstances about the statistical data quality is that, the human resources working on it was unable to adapt with the latest development in methodology and application of statistics. As one of the man who was working analysis about statistical data in regional level, those conditions stimulated me to have the mastery in applied statistics.
Five years of handling and processing large amount of data, appropriate techniques is very critical in producing correct statistic. It was giving me a lot of experience in practical, but surely it would not adequate for me, especially if I have tasked to work on more complicated problems research project. Forecasting of future inflation rate for instance, need deeper knowledge about time series analysis. I think that it was necessary for statistician like me to deepen my knowledge and skills in stochastic processes, regression modeling, and, analysis of variance. Theory enrichment about such method will help to expand creativity in solving complicated problems and making better analysis.
A Masters of Science program, which offering both statistical coursework and practical capstone will be suitable to give me strong foundation in applied statistics. It is important, and also my greatest desire, to attain it at one of prestigious university in the Unites States, as many among them have reached the highest standard in applied statistics education, and gained international recognition. United States has been famous for years in development of statistics, as their statistician like xxx, xxx has gave a lot of contribution with their method in solving statistical problems. With a solid foundation in academic and work experience, I am confident that I will have skills, knowledge, experience, and contacts that will open visible perspectives for me to complete my study.
Upon completing my masters, I will return to Indonesia. Having a Master’s degree will lead me to higher responsibility as data analyst, giving more solid theoretical basis as a foundation to answer peoples question about xxx statistical data. Hopefully, it would increase xxx statistical data quality and strengthen xxx credibility in the future. The degree and knowledge I obtain will help me to expanding my career, moving to the next stage of position in provincial or national office, something that I couldn’t reach any further without higher education. In that way, I could contribute more in helping to direct Indonesia’s development into the right track. While doing these, I will seek for the closest opportunity to get a PhD qualification.